6. Kiesewetter, K.N., A.H. Rawstern, E. Cline, F. Santamaria, C. Coronado-Molina, F.H. Sklar, and M.E. Afkhami. (In
Review) “Microbes in reconstructive restoration: Divergence in constructed and natural tree island soil fungi affects tree growth."
5.Hernandez, D.J.*, K.N. Kiesewetter*, B.K. Almeida, D.P. Revillini, M.E. Afkhami. (2023) “Multidimensional specialization and generalization are pervasive in soil prokaryotes.” Nature Ecology and Evolution. (Impact factor = 19.1); (*co-first authors)
4. Kiesewetter, K.N., L. Otano Velazco**, M.E. Afkhami. (2023) “Fragmentation disrupts microbial effects on na- tive plant community productivity.” Journal of Ecology. (Impact factor = 6.4); (** indicates undergraduate mentee)
3. Kiesewetter, K.N. and M.E. Afkhami (2021). "Microbiome-mediated effects of habitat fragmentation on native plant performance." New Phytologist. (Impact factor = 8.5)
2. Afkhami, M.E., B. K. Almeida, D. J. Hernandez, K.N. Kiesewetter, and D. P. Revillini. (2020) “Tripartite mutualisms as models for understanding plant-microbial interactions.” Special Issue on “Biotic Interactions” in Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 56: 28-36. (Impact Factor = 8.4); (equal contribution by all authors; order alphabetical)
1. Hernandez, D.J.*, K.N. Kiesewetter*, S. Palakurty, J.R. Stinchcombe, and M.E. Afkhami. (2019) "Synergism and symbiosis: unpacking complex mutualistic species interactions using transcriptomic approaches." The Model Legume Medicago truncatula. Ed. Frans J. de Bruijn. Wiley Publishers. (*co-first authors)